Monday, 26 November 2007

The Web's Cultural Impact

Over the last decade the internet has had a tremendous impact on my life. It has given me the opportunity to lead multiple lives with multiple logins and email ids. You may consider this behaviour deceptive or dishonest, but I don't see it that way. Every virtual life that I lead is simply a reflection of one of my personal qualities and these virtual lives, all together, represent me. Hence, the anonymous login!

Well, anyway, my point is that the internet is changing the way we see and do things.

This chart on the timeline of the web's cultural impact for Yahoo!, prepared by Sixth Finger, highlights the rapid developments in internet technologies and applications in less than 2 decades.
How many web 2.0 applications have you used? Do you have any favorites? Have you found any new ones that are not mentioned here? How have they changed your life?
Click below and tell me how.

1 comment:

Rana said...

i love what the internet has given me.. i come from a generation when looking for basic info could have taken days...and keeping in touch with friends meant either mail or phone. i can't imagine life w\o things like google, utube, etc but lately i've noticed a new pattern among some friends and people. For some people who spend an excessive amount of time on internet than offline i noticed a subtle change in their sense of reality.. This caught my interest.. i guess there's a fine line beyond which we can hide a little too much behind the internet...just a thought..